Menopause Anxiety – A Selfcare First Aid Kit

The last few years have been challenging on many levels, especially in regard to mental health and anxiety. Menopause anxiety is a big problem although statistical evidence is lacking. Evidence is not clear but is confounded by many factors. Apart of a lack of data it may also be due to a lack of awareness. Women notoriously just getting on with it and often blame temselves. Globally since the pandemic the news has not improved. We’ve also got war, rising fuel prices and now the cost-of-living crisis. The politicians are in more confusion than normal. The environmental factors are becoming more real. Both eco and menopause anxiety are realities many women try to deal with.

Mental Health Crisis

As menopause women we may feel our world has got smaller as we try to cope. We can feel guilty about being preoccupied with the impact of the menopause on life. We can only survive day to day. However, the enormity of wider issues will affect us even subconsciously. This is why menopause anxiety and mental health is in crisis. The pandemic has taken its toll on mental health generally. Every situation is different but and leaves it mark. Perhaps you experienced bereavement, long covid, increased caring for elderly relatives, teens who struggle at school or university. We are not back to normal. I have drawn similarities with COVID and menopause before. The unknown, the unpredictability and STRESS. Of course, bad news and anxiety is not new but certainly seems worse now.

Menopause Anxiety


Anxiety is increased at menpaouse and not only because of the symptoms women experience. You can read more on the science in my Under pressure Post . In a nutshell, our fluctuating sex hormones affect our brains too. We know hormones play havoc at menopause in with our energy, digestion, temperature control, and metabolism. Oestrogen and progesterone also influence our brain chemicals, helping us be more positive and relaxed. So when hormones are off kilter this makes us more prone to anxiety, worry, changeable moods even depression.

Bringing Hope

Does Christmas and a New Year bring you hope? The festive season should offer some respite with fun and relaxation. But, this is a busy time of year for especially for women. Men let us know if you do the bulk of the work for Christmas. We will be cheering you on! Mostly I see my clients over worked and under appreciated, menopause anxiety is high right now. I see you and I want to help. There is hope, you can help yourself. As women we often want to HELP OTHERS FIRST, keeping everyone happy. We forget to give ourselves the care that we deserve. Remember it’s your oxygen mask first, or you can’t be at your best to help others. Personally, I need to make the time for this too, so I came up with a plan. It might even be an idea for a lovely gift!


A collection of items that gives you peace of mind when you’re having a bad day, which isn’t uncommon at menopause. It will and make you feel calm, uplifted, and loved. You can choose what works for you and create YOUR much deserved ‘me time’. I don’t have time I hear you cry, this is the classic excuse! The reality is you can make the time to prioritise this. I guarantee you do have time. It can be now if you choose to take action you can recover quickly or later when you are forced to stop due to ill health and magnified menopause symptoms. Start small with just 5 minutes of deep breathing for example and build a habit. Try delegating a few tasks, or just don’t do them, you might be surprised what happens. Try saying no! Ultimately you will be more energised to do what you need to do too.

The Benefits

Creating a self-care kit means it’s convenient when the moment hits. The Self-care kit is a quick way to deal with stress and anxiety as soon as it kicks. It is highly effective as mental health first aid. The new behaviour creates causes a new pattern in the brain, over time this trains the brain to be more resilient to stress. Whether it’s just the busyness of life, the need for connection or to lift your mood you will have the answer to hand! And you won’t resort to overeating or drinking and impulse-shopping! These often leave us feeling worse in the end.

Selfcare First Aid Kit Tips

Think about appealing to your senses as you make it. Start small and add to it. Gather items together that you associate with comfort, good memories, and feelings. Place them inside a lovely basket, bag, or box. You might just pick one or 2 for now. And relax! Recognising your need for relation is the start. I teach my clients to incorporate many additional lifestyle tools to support their health journey. Food alone won’t do the trick, it must be a holistic approach.

  • SIGHT – Pictures, photographs, greeting cards, motivational quotes.
  • SOUND – Music, song lyrics, poetry, podcasts, audible books, declarations.
  • TOUCH- Socks, blanket, hot water bottle, pets, or pop some bubble wrap.
  • SMELL- Essential oil, candles, potpourri, luxury hand cream, or perfume.
  • TASTE – Tea, coffee, chocolate, healthy snacks, a favourite recipe.

Relax and enjoy

As a holistic nutritionist I inspire business women to find theri menopause mojo with tailored nutrition and lifestyle advice that enpowers them to nourish themselves inside and out. So they can feel like themselves again. If you’d like to know how I can help arrange a free discovery call and we can discuss your concerns.



Bromberger JT, Kravitz HM, Chang Y, Randolph JF Jr, Avis NE, Gold EB, Matthews KA. Does risk for anxiety increase during the menopausal transition? Study of women’s health across the nation. Menopause. 2013 May;20(5):488-95. doi: 10.1097/GME.0b013e3182730599. PMID: 23615639; PMCID: PMC3641149.

Mental Health and the Menopause Positive Pause accesssed 16.12.22

Mulhall S, Andel R, Anstey KJ. Variation in symptoms of depression and anxiety in midlife women by menopausal status. Maturitas. 2018 Feb;108:7-12. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2017.11.005. Epub 2017 Nov 11. PMID: 29290217.