Menopause Nutrition Analysis

Are you troubled by menopause symptoms?

Would you love to understand what’s causing your symptoms and know how help yourself to feel better naturally?

Or would you love to know how to prepare for menopause?

Perhaps you want to optimse you heath post menopause 

The Menopause Nutrition Review is an ideal starting point for all stages of menopause. Ideal for getting healthy in preparation for menopause and if are experiencing specfic hormonal problems. It is a valuable tool to help you navigate menopause.

Hormones are your body’s messengers, and changes at menopause have profound effect on your mental, physical, and emotional health. A nutritious diet and a healthy lifestyle will support your wellbeing and hormonal health more than you realise. It will empower you!

It is ideal if you suffer with

  • Bloating, stomach problems or reflux
  • Energy slumps
  • Brain fog and poor concentration and motivation
  • Stress and anxiety and low mood
  • Hot flushes and night sweats
  • Poor sleep
  • Joint pain
  • Weight gain

Find Your Menopause Mojo and Feel like Yourself Again. Is it time for you to get the menopause support you need and focus on you?

Get latest holistic and evidence based advice so you can take control of your health. Find confidence to navigate menopause and beyond. Empower your menopause with this in-depth holistic health consultation focused on your menopause concerns.

Menopausal Nutrition Review £125

The Menopausal Nutrition Review includes;

  • 60 minutes with a fully qualified nutritional therapist
  • A health & diet questionnaire to discuss
  • Personalised recommendations you can implement straight away
  • A recording of our session
  • Option to upgrade to a full nutritional therapy program

(Book a nutritional therapy program within a month of the Menopause Nutrition Review and this is session can be included in your package with the full cost being deducted.

If you are not sure what nutritional therapy is all about this is ideal way to try it out.

Menopausal Nutrition Review £125 

Menopause Nutrition Analysis

A bespoke nutritional analysis of your eating habits to support your menopause health.

A “Menopause Reboot” will show you where you can increase specific nutrients to support your menopause journey. Suitable for any stage from pre menopause, perimenopause to post menopausae. I will bring areas that need your attention into focus. 

The Benefits 

  • Optimise your nutrients for menopause
  • Get your health on track to navigate menopause well
  • Reveal opportunities to improve your health and support your health goals.
  • Optional testing discusssed

How it works

You complete a 5 day food diary and short intake form. I have review your food diary and take in to consideration your menopause health goals and any symptoms you experience. The Nutrition Analysis is explained in a 20 minute Online Teams consultation. I include personal recommendations of key nutrients including optimal foods and supplements that would be beneficial. Nutrient testing may be recommended at additional cost but not essential.

A recording will be provided afterwards.


Book Here 

Why work with me ?

I’ve been there in that place of struggle unaware of what was going on at menopause. I also experienced auto immune arthritis having overcome auto immune bowel disease in my twenties. I completely understand how powerless you feel. I’ve done the research, and studied for the qualifications so you don’t have to. So I can tailor advice to work for you so that you can feel better. I also have lots of experience working with women and successfully running a health and wellbeing practice over many years.

I am committed and passionate about supporting women, they deserve to find the future they need and want. You just need to know-how to navigate menopause successfully. My holistic approach gets to the route of your symptoms, to nourish and heal from the inside and out. Truly getting their menopause mojo back!

The next step…

To book contact me on 07884024380 or email

Need some more information? I’m happy to arrange a chat.

Contact me for a FREE no obligation discovery call.

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Nourish Inside Out
Nourish Inside Out

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Want to find out how I can help your menopause? 

Complete our quick form and I’ll call or email you back.

    Nourish Inside Out

    Nourish Inside Out

    Nutritional Therapy and Health Coaching

     Telephone 07884024380 


    Nourish Inside Out.

    I’m Marjorie, a fully qualified Nutritional Therapy practitioner r(CNHC)  m(BANT). My passion is to help women find their midlife spark and feel like themselves again

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